Monday, August 29, 2011

Don't let anyone tell you different

So I have been on this soapbox for a while now and I am glad someone else feels this way.

A friend of a friend came up to us crying the other day and tell us what some person said to her. Basically said to her that she wasn't good for anything except staying in the house and that she could never be an engineer because she was a female. Our friend is pretty, smart, and one of the best people I have ever met in my life and to see her crying over what someone else thought was heart breaking.

In the past few days, most of the girl engineers in our college have gotten together to form a group to where we could gather and just relax for a while, study and tutor each other, or just exchange stories such as this one. Come to find out a lot of them have similar stories to share from fellow classmates telling them and even teachers telling them that they could never be good enough. Funny thing enough those classmates that have told us that we would never amount to anything in the field have changed majors.

So our advice for this week: Don't let anyone tell you anything different. Do what you want to do and don't let anyone stand in your way. If you want to become a fashion designer or the president of the United States, why should people tell you no. It is your dream not theirs.

Well that is my soapbox for the week. Wish everyone well.

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